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Aocoda-RC F722 V1 Flight Controller X8 MPU6000&BMI270 30.5mm for Racing Drone
Aocoda-RC F722MINI V2 Flight Controller MPU6500/MPU6000 OSD Barometer 16M BlackBox for Racing Drone
Aocoda-RC H743 flight controller MPU6000x1 BMI270x2 BMP280 BlackBox 128MB for Racing Drone
Aocoda-Rc F4 V3 Flight Controller OSD Baro BalckBox for Racing Drone
$23.24 $30.00
Aocoda-RC F411MINI Flight Controller OSD Barometer 2MB Black Box Crossing Aircraft Model FPV
$27.68 $29.00
Aocoda-Rc F405 V4 Flight C ontroller OSD Baro BalckBox for Racing Drone
$13.99 $19.99
Aocoda-RC F722 V2 Flight Controller X8 ICM42688P&BMP280 30.5mm for Racing Drone
$24.99 $29.99